Tuesday 13 May 2014

Fiber Diet

You often hear advice: Eat more fiber . But know that the fibers are so good petnru your health?

Dietary fiber, the kind found especially in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, are known for their capacity to prevent or relieve constipation. But fiber has other health benefits such as lowering the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease .


It is not difficult to choose foods that contain fiber tasty. Find the following lines of how much dietary fiber you need, what foods contain them and what form you can incorporate into your meals and snacks.

Dietary fiber also known as roughage or bulk, includes all the vegetables that the body can not digest or absorb. Unlike other types of foods such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates - which your body breaks down and absorbs them - the fibers are not digested by the human body. Therefore, they cross the intact stomach, small intestine, colon, and then removed. It might seem that the fibers are not very important, but rather many essential roles in maintaining health.

What will help to loosen the fibers?

The fibers do not contain calories and can provide long-term feeling of satiety. There are two types of fiber : soluble and insoluble . Water-insoluble fibers are found in vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals and increase their volume reached the stomach. Soluble fiber is found in fruits , vegetables, seeds, oats, are digested slowly and you will feel stomach full for a longer period of time.

Fiber offers many additional benefits, including weight control. Foods that contain fiber take longer to be eaten, which means that the stomach will be full faster and eat less. Foods with fiber will help you quickly saturated and will not be hungry between meals.

Fiber at breakfast - a healthy habit to lose weight

Researchers found that people who take regular breakfast are able to maintain constant weight, longer, and grain consumption is one of their rituals. In general, grain intake, especially those rich in fiber is beneficial for losing weight. Studies have shown that people include in their meals more carbohydrates , grains and fiber, weigh less than those who skipped the daily menu.


How much fiber should you eat and how much you can lose weight?

Whether you want to lose weight or to keep the number of kilograms, experts recommend that adults consume 18 grams of fiber per day (12-24 g). If you want to lose weight you have to limit your calorie intake. Total pounds minus may vary depending on the degree of calorie restriction.

Nutritionists recommend not to lose weight more than 500 g per week. Often in the first few weeks might you lose more, because more water will be eliminated, along with fat.

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